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HomeRace Results - FYI

Race Results- FYI

Race results include TriFury members who were on the yearly roster as of the day of the race.  If you are a member of TriFury and your name does not appear in the results, please verify that one of the following reasons does not exist:

Common reasons why a member may not appear in the results:
  • A member signed up after the day of the race
  • Your membership was submitted via the mail, which is processed slower than on-line
  • Your town/city/state in the results does not match the member's town/city/state
  • Your first/last name in the results does not match the member's first/last name in the membership file.

The Results harvesting process works in the following manner:

Results are manually found at various race result posting websites and are manually downloaded.  The files are manually review, and when necessary, the file is "converted" into a known format.   Once all downloaded files have been converted into an acceptable format, a harvesting program is run over the file. The program compares downloaded race result information against a file containing a list of member information (first name, last name, city, and state).  The harvesting program does utilize a list of alias/similar names (Debra,Deb,Debbie,Debby, and Deborah), as well as frequently misspelled first/last names and cities, that it attempts to reconcile differences in the results from the membership list.  The list of frequently misspelled names and the list of similar names is a work in progress, so if race organizers frequently misspell your name, or you go by an alias, please let the race results committee know.  So, if your membership name is Johnathan, but you frequently sign up for races under the Jake or JJ or Jay or Stinky, the harvesting program will be unable to reconcile your name unless you make the race results committee aware.   The harvesting program does flag race results for names that match, but the town/state does not match. When this occurs a manual reconciliation of the results is necessary.

Explanation of Team Selected Race Points (as of September 4th, 2017)

A few notes about the Team Selected Races and how they are scored/credited, especially for newer members:

1) You must be a member in good standing (meaning you registered for Trifury during the year) on/prior to the date of the race in-order to count towards your year-end total.

2) Participating in a Team Selected Race counts toward your total.  You only need to start a Team Selected Race to be given credit.  Having a mechanical issue, or any race day injury (bee-sting, etc....), or DNF will not prevent a member from gaining credit.

3) Participating in any Triathlon, Duathlon, or Aquabike Nationals, World Championship, or Ironman distance race will count as 1 point for each instance.  There is no double scoring for Ironman World Championship.

4) Participating at Try the Tri counts (maximum 1 point). 

5) Participating at Silver Lake Try the Tri (maximum 1 point).

6) For Relay participation, all relay members must be TriFury members...this is a great way to meet new people, try your first triathlon and/or still race with your teammates even if an injury prevents you from training in all 3 disciplines. If you're looking for relay teammates, post in the Yahoo group - you will likely have lots of takers!

7) Volunteering (1 volunteer point each time you volunteer, maximum 3 volunteer points for the season)
  • Multisport Expo - Work the TriFury booth
  • Try the Tri
  • Silver Lake Try-the-Tri
  • Specifically designated races: (Call To Honor)

Examples of how points could be collected to get 6 points:
  • Volunteer at the Expo,  Call To Honor, and Try the Tri twice ( 3 points, as total volunteer points is capped at 3)
  • Do a relay at Patriot ( 1 point )
  • New England Season Opener and Cranberry TriFest Olympic ( 2 points )
  • New England Season Opener ( 1 point)
  • Patriot Triathlon Relay - Swim (1 point)
  • Cranberry TriFest Sprint (1 point)
  • Cranberry TriFest Olympic (1 point)
  • Pumpkinman Sprint (1 point)
  • Pumpkinman Half (1 point)


  • Volunteer at Try-the-Tri ten times (3 points, as total volunteer points are capped at 3)
  • USAT Sprint Nationals (1 point)
  • USAT Olympic Nationals (1 point)
  • 70.3 World Championships (1 point)

Why care about the number of points you have?
We will again have year end "goodies" for everyone who earns 3 to 5 points, as well as something extra cool for those who do 6+ races. We've had some really great prizes in years past, so if you can fit 3 or more of these into your calendar, you won't be disappointed!

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail the Results Coordinator (